2015 was an exciting year for many Human Resource and recruitment professionals. A lot of advancements in recruitment technology, a greater focus on culture building, health care and benefit reform, and the upcoming seasonal employment in the Lancaster, PA area have been making headlines. But, what we love best about the end of the year was being able to take a quick look back at some of the top resources that we’ve shared right here at the Staffing Service USA blog.
Let’s take a walk down memory lane with the top HR resource posts from 2015.
Your Company Culture Can Make or Break the Hiring Process
Building strong corporate cultures in order to attract and retain the best employees was a huge topic in 2015. Learning from industry leaders like Google and Boston Consulting Group, we shared some of the ways to boost the corporate culture so that it would improve recruitment strategies. One of the main points of the article that we made was, “High level performers want to work for companies who are testing the limits, who offer career growth, and who hire similar talented individuals who will maintain the company’s competitiveness.”
Managing Employees During the Summer Months
Oh how we love the summers around here in Lancaster! But what we hear from our clients over and over again is how difficult it can be maintaining productivity during the summer months. Did you know that we found a survey that reported, “productivity levels can drop by as much as 20 percent during the summer months.” Wow. This article talks about ways to keep employees onboard and happy when they would rather be vacationing. It’s a must read for this year’s summer season which will be here again before you know it.
One Third of Jobs Disappearing – How to Calm Employees and Keep them Productive
If that title doesn’t shake you up a bit, it should. The article featured predictions made by Thomas Frey, who was a speaker at the TEDxReset Conference in Istanbul Turkey. In his speech, Frey said that some two billion jobs will be obsolete by the year 2030, because of new technology. It’s a sobering look at work and how it will be vastly different in just a decade from now. If you are a recruiter thinking about the future of your company, you will want to give this article a thorough read.
Thank you for taking the time to review our top HR resource posts of 2015, and for being a loyal reader of the Staffing Service USA blog.